Juba Certifications

ISO 9001 involves a way of working to improve the quality of products and services, as well as customer satisfaction. This is a competitive advantage for organisations to ensure that customers are able to improve their products or services.
The Aenor Quality Management certificate accredits that the company meets the requirements set out in the standard and has implemented a Quality Management System in the business with a clear focus on meeting the needs of customers and other stakeholders, in a framework of continuous improvement.
The JUBA management system policy takes into account all the activities necessary to ensure that, throughout the different processes, the requirements demanded by customers and the legislation on quality, environment and safety at work are met.
All products marketed by our organisation are approved in accordance with the corresponding legal regulations, as well as the strict internal requirements established by our Quality Management System.

ISO 14001 assumes responsibility for environmental risks associated with the internal processes of the activity carried out by the company, in addition to reducing the impact of its activities.
The Environmental Management certificate accredits that the company has established an Environmental Management System to help prevent environmental impacts, using the necessary means to avoid, reduce or control them, and always in an environment of sustainable development.

ISO 45001 is an occupational health and safety management system that helps to care for and protect workers by providing a safe and healthy workplace.
The certificate of the Occupational Health and Safety Management system certifies since 2019 that the company meets the highest standards of current legislation, which ensures that the company is firmly involved with the health and safety of its workers, understood as the total removal of all existing risks.
In addition, the JUBA occupational health and safety management system policy promotes health and healthy habits in the company, its management is aware of the importance of prevention and there is a commitment to continuous improvement.

The Carbon Footprint Calculator developed internally by Bunzl Spain has achieved AENOR certification based on the GHG Protocol, the international reference protocol for the calculation of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions.
This tool enables both JUBA Personal Protective Equipment S.L. and its customers to calculate their carbon footprint associated with distribution and thus meet their sustainability and emission reduction targets. It does this by analysing shipments, kilometres travelled and their significance in tonnes of CO2 emitted, enabling customers to have the data they need to drive optimisation and potential savings in their distribution operations. That is, being able to improve shipping ratios and to reduce them in order to be more sustainable.

AENOR considers that companies today are key agents for the achievement of the United Nations SDGs, and therefore their actions must be aligned with the relevant objectives for the core of each business.
Within each of the lines of action, Juba has developed initiatives that contribute to selected areas within the following SDGs:
03. Ensure healthy lives and promote wellbeing at all ages.
05. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.
07. Ensure access to affordable, secure, sustainable and modern energy.
08. Promote sustained and inclusive economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.
09. Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialisation and foster innovation.
11. Make cities more inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.
12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.
13. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.
17. Partnerships to achieve the goals.

Juba is committed to acting with leadership and a proactive vision by developing a Psychosocial Protection Model that guarantees its employees a working environment free of harassment and violence at work, with special attention to women and vulnerable groups.
AENOR certification is based on continuous improvement and requires the involvement of all stakeholders in promoting a culture of respect for women. Through the integration of the gender perspective in the organisation of the spaces in its work centres, the aim is to make them safe and accessible for all female workers and customers.
In this sense, the certification is part of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically Target 5.2: "Eliminate all forms of violence against all women and girls in public and private spheres".

EcoVadis rates the sustainability of companies based on criteria linked to non-financial management systems.
The world's most established international platform assesses companies' performance in environmental sustainability; labour practices and human rights; sustainable procurement; and ethical conduct.

Great Place to Work® has been working with companies around the world for more than 30 years to identify, create and sustain company cultures based on trust and high performance. Its mission is to help organisations become the best places to work through an independent assessment and rigorous process that examines each company's human resources and leadership practices, policies and culture.
The results reflect companies' commitment to their employees and their dedication to creating an inclusive and positive work environment.
It is one of the most prestigious national and international certifications in the field of Human Resources. Since 2022, Juba has been certified thanks to the efforts of its team and its strong corporate culture.

The seal makes it easy to demonstrate the company's participation in the register and, on the other hand, allows the degree of effort undertaken in the fight against climate change to be reflected. In this sense, it is possible to distinguish between those organisations that calculate their carbon footprint and are on the path to reducing their emissions, and those that compensate.